104 1st Ave NE - Apt 22, Arab, AL 35016

104 1st Ave NE - Apt 22, Arab, AL 35016

3 BR/ 2 BA Duplex

APARTMENT 3BR / 2BA. Newly renovated 3 bedroom / 2 bath apartment home available at Magnolia Terrace Apts in downtown Arab. Safe, Clean, & Neat apartment community.at an affordable value. Plenty of parking available. Spacious living area with small office area and private balcony All appliances furnished including dishwasher, washer, & dryer . Centrally located near schools, city park, and retail centers. Each adult living in the apartment to complete a rental application and authorize a $40 credit and background check. Contact Ace Management & Realty to make an appointment at 256-585-2452 or visit our website www.acedecatur.com.

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